I was approached by a Natzi and his followers today. Okay, not a real live Nazi but he had the appearence of one. I was standing in the computer lab talking to my brother, who was sitting at a computer, when all of a sudden a group of people walk right up to me. There were 4-5 of them and were headed by one man in paticular. The Nazi. He was kind of short and was probably about 25-30 years old and he mean't buisness. At first I didn't know what he wanted but then I figured it out when he asked for my ID card. I was in dress code violation. You want to know what all the fuss was over? My shirt wasn' t tucked in! He procceded to write my ID number down and explain that even though it wasn't "cool" to have my shirt tucked in, I still had to do it. Oh well, he gave me 4 reps for the "crime" and walked off. The guy, my brother told me, was one of the higher up Resident Directors, not a Resident Assistant which is a student in charge of giving reps. Mostly the RA's only give warnings for untucked shirts not reps. I thought it was a little ridiculous because I was in complete class dress, shoes, collared shirt and dress pants but I still got reps. I could have been in a T-shirt and shorts and recieved the same amount of reps as an untucked collared shirt! Another thing was my brother was sitting right next to me, not wearing a collared shirt and he didn' t have it tucked in! I guess I was blocking his view. I got as many reps as I would have gotten for being an hour and 14 minutes late for curfew! For an untucked dress shirt....In other news.....I ran hill repeats today, and I decided to do them on Harvard St., right next to the Lynchburg Walmart. It's an incredibly steep hill and is between 400-500 meters long. It took me about 95 seconds per sprint to get to the top, and people were actually stopping and staring at me as I ran up the hill and then back down it...then back up...and down. I did eight reps. I was planning on 10 but my chest just wouldn't let me do it. After about a minute and 15 seconds, I would go into major oxygen debt and it felt like forever the last 20 seconds. Plus, the hill was so steep, it felt like I was jogging on my way up, and the jog was kicking my butt! Not the best ideal for a hill for that workout but I survived......And no, I almost died yesterday! No joke. I was running up to a 4-way intersection(I swear it wasn' t my fault!). And I was almost up to it, when an 18- wheeler suddenly turns(jerks) the wheel and comes onto the road I'm running on. Without using his blinker. I had to dodge the truck(jump out of the way) and it was so close to me that I actually had to stick out my arm to keep the truck from my body. In doing so, my arm got slammed into the side of the truck, and I jumped to the side of the road, still running. I made it through, but other cars had stopped to see if I was all right. My arm stung for a little bit but by the time I got back home, it was fine. No such problems today!