Want to keep up with David Hunt? This is my daily journal for everything that's going on!
Published on October 24, 2004 By ddddddddddddkkkkkkkksssssss In Misc
Work last night was very slow. Especially for a Saturday night, there was no one there. I still worked until past 12:30am though. From 11:30pm on, there were only three tables occupied and I had every table bused, so I just pretty much stood at the door and drank ice tea. But hey, I got paid for drinking my favorite rasberry ice tea! I had to walk home last night though, which wasn't to much fun. I walk home about half the time after work and I always walk to work. Applebee's is about a mile from my dorm so it's not too far, but it is far enough. I've been thinking that I may buy one of those pocket scooters that I saw on Ebay. They're these little motorized bikes, that look like a childs toy, they're about a foot tall and only about 2 feet long! But they can go up to about 35-40mph, and are street legal, so I just may have to get one(about $200 but it beats walking, and I could cruise in style)....I don't know whats going on with the weather down here, it's been drizzling and overcast for the past 6 days in a row. We haven't even seen the sun since last Monday. It hasn't really rained, just misty. Not too much else going on right now, week ends are all about working and catching up on homework, which is what I'll be doing all day today. My communication assignment is to write a one page paper on a new break in communications, any helpful ideas?
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